Saturday, February 9, 2013


I propose a one time burst to house all the existing homeless. The cost is to be balanced by cuts in foreign aid. A nation should help their own first.At the top of the list are the least among us.The homeless problems or, equivalently, the lack of low cost housing is a national problem. If states and local communities can not or will not act, the federal government should rent or build. If any local area tried to solve the problem alone, people would move there and overburden them.People should be able to have at least a single room.The first efforts should be aimed at people who have had long term difficulties in finding suitable housing. 

Prevailing Minimum Wage Supplemental Tax Credit

I propose a Prevailing Minimum Wage Supplemental Tax Credit which allows businesses to claim a tax credit in the amount of the difference between the prevailing Minimum Wage and what the new hire is worth to the business. The loss of income is to be compensated by reductions in the defense budget.


My top priorities are jobs, jobs, jobs. My foreign and defense policies are those that Ron Paul expressed when he was in Congress.